Northstar Quick Start Guide

New to Northstar? This quick start guide will walk you through the major features of Northstar. Most items include video tutorials.

Quick Start Guide for Staff: All staff with admin portal access can view assessment results, manage learners in Northstar Online Learning, and access the Northstar curriculum.

Quick Start Guide for Proctors: Proctors at Northstar can proctor assessments in order to issue certificates.

Quick Start Guide for Admins: Admins can manage staff, location info, and billing.

Quick Start Guide for Staff

  1. Open your location’s Launch Page
  2. Take an unproctored assessment
    • After opening the launch page, enter your name in the fields or log into your Northstar account. Then, select an assessment to take.
    • Note: if you are logged in to the Admin Portal, you will receive a warning message. This message is to prevent you from giving an assessment to a learner while logged in. You can disregard the warning for this quick start walk-through. Warning! You are currently logged into Northstar as a proctor or administrator via email and password...
  3. View your result and missed questions
  4. Explore Northstar Online Learning (NSOL)
    • You can navigate to Northstar Online Learning via the top right menu in the Admin Portal.
    • Work through several topics.
    • Note: NSOL practice and instruction is only available for select topics. We hope to release more topics' practice as funding allows.
    • Add a Learner to Northstar Online Learning.
  5. Find the classroom curriculum
    • In the Admin Portal, click the Resources tab.
    • The classroom curriculum is on the Resources page.
  6. Explore the Admin Portal
    • The tabs at the top of the Admin Portal link to most major functions of Northstar.
    • Tab descriptions:
      • Learners: View current learner accounts and invite new learners.
      • Assessments: Start proctoring sessions and view results.
      • Reports: Generate reports on location-wide assessment results.
      • Location Info (admins only): Invite new staff members and edit Northstar location info.
      • Resources: Various resources including the manual, FAQs, curriculum, printable flyers, and link to request email help.

Quick Start Guide for Proctors

  1. Take a proctored assessment via Proctor PIN
    • Note: if you are logged in to the Admin Portal, you will receive the warning message shown below. This message is to prevent you from giving an assessment to a learner while logged in. You can disregard the warning for this quick start walk-through. Warning! You are currently logged into Northstar as a proctor or administrator via email and password...
  2. Print a certificate for your result
  3. Practice setting up a proctored session via test-taker request

Quick Start Guide for Admins

  1. Add staff members as proctors
  2. Edit/verify Northstar location info

Still want to learn more about Northstar? Check out our manual, video tutorials, and FAQs.